Study Center: New Jersey

Contributions to the NBDPS by the New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services have been completed. From 1997 through 2002, participants from New Jersey played an important part in providing valuable information. Their involvement continues to allow NBDPS scientists to study the possible relationship between birth defects and things such as diabetes, in vitro fertilization, obesity and the use of antidepressants.

In the past, the NBDPS has mailed newsletters to participants with information about the study. If you are a New Jersey participant interested in receiving future newsletters, please provide your mailing address by calling 404-498-3946 or email to

Principal Investigators

Marjorie Royle, PhD

Principal Investigator

Marjorie Royle, PhD, was the Principal Investigator for the New Jersey Center.

“I am a research psychologist and the stepmother of a child with a birth defect. When I heard about the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, I jumped at the chance to work on it. I saw it as a way to combine my personal and professional lives. After I started, I learned what an important study it is. For years to come, people will talk about what was learned from this study, about the causes of birth defects and how to prevent them.

Very early in my research career I learned that research takes longer than you thought it would, and good research takes even longer. I hope that years from now, researchers will still be using this information [collected] to answer new questions.”