Together we can discover the causes of birth defects.

One in every 33 babies in the U.S. is born with a birth defect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and birth defects programs across the United States are working together to find the causes of birth defects.

Together we can discover the causes of birth defects.

One in every 33 babies in the U.S. is born with a birth defect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and birth defects programs across the United States are working together to find the causes of birth defects.

Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy Not Linked to Birth Defects

Risk of Birth defects Among Pregnant nail Salon Workers and Hairdressers

Causes of
Birth Defects

Steps to a
Healthier Pregnancy

Study Centers

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How the Study Works

Knowing that researchers…are doing everything they can to understand birth defects, how to prevent them, and promote services, gives me hope for other families.

A Mom from Google